Quality support
Recent detect hidden changes (3/22/2001?) had rendered the area-effect of detect hidden useless. Belan's treasure hunter Rosten found this quite problematic, as no longer could trapped chests be easily located. Time to see if it is a bug or a nerf. :>

Winston the counselor shows up at the Vesper bank chest spawn and tries to convince Rosten that detect hidden has never worked in Trammel for detecting traps. That's news to Rosten. :)

Winston: im being told

Rosten tries to set Winston straight..

Winston switches gears and tries convincing Rosten that the level 1 spawn chests in Vesper bank require GMed skills..

Rosten again must clarify..

*sighs*, the counselor must just be misinformed, if only a GM was here to set him straight..

GM Aslan appears, maybe she can set Winston straight? Then again, maybe not..

Level 4 chests sure aren't what they used to be. :)

Aslan later insisted it was the trap that was level 4.. As any treasure hunter can tell you: you are going to get lethal poison (level 5) from any chest, but curing the poison from a level 1 chest (those in the north part of Vesper bank) compared to a level 4 static chest (ogre lord island, ice fiends) is a world of difference (and pain :)).

GM Starblade has a Sash of Wisdom, maybe it would help if GM Aslan picked better equipment?

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