Belan gets looted!
Belan was up late (or early) when the server does not save and had just returned from the server war to find a large group of people at west brit bank in Trammel who didn't seem to realize the server had not been down yet!

Belan decided to have some fun seeing as none of her actions would be saved..

TmptressDiana sung a fine Christmas tune. A xmas bell for her!

Belan gets a much better idea, she decides to guardwhack herself while carrying a glacial staff. The looting rush should prove interesting. :>

The natives were quite excited, especially creed who made off with the staff!

Pual Bunnin seemed especially happy to see Belan looted.

A bit of bickering over the main prize..

rocky gives his condolences.

Pual Bunnin impresses all with his keen observation skills and quick wit!

My, they are so happy with their loot!

Too bad for them that just seconds later the shard went down. :)

I wonder if the scene at server-up was as joyful?

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